Extra Board
Building a Coal Shed
Based on the prototype located at Chama, N.M., this small shed housed coal supplies for stoves used for heating in the depot, bunk house, and on the trains.
Backdating a Lionel 40-Foot TOFC Trailer
Lionel has released an excellent 40’ trailer model appropriate for late 1950s through the 1960s, which can easily be shortened and backdated to the 1940s.
Pour Me a River, Part 6: The Completed Scene
In Part 6, we complete construction of the Pennsylvania Railroad Ohio River Bridge and place it into our finished scene.
Pour Me a River, Part 5: Returning to the River
After careful preparation of the base, it’s now time to pour the river. But what scenic product to choose, and how much?
3-D Printing: Our First Project
Three dimensional (3-D) printing is a cutting-edge technology, so for our first project it seems fitting to build something that was cutting-edge a little more than a century ago, a McKeen Car Co. all-steel boxcar.
Building Your Layout: Part 1
This is the first of four articles on how to construct a large O scale model railroad, like my own freelanced Buckeye Railroad.
Building A Pipe Rack
Easily scratchbuilt from brass stock, this pipe storage rack makes a great detail for any yard or engine terminal scene.
Improving a Weaver Flatcar
A few simple modifications along with some details and fresh weathering can greatly improve the appearance of an old Weaver flatcar model.
Pour Me a River: Part 1
George Pandelios O scale river crossing scene was inspired in part by Grif Teller’s painting for the 1953 Pennsylvania Railroad calendar titled “Crossroads of Commerce.”
Atlas Purchases M.T.H.’s O Scale Tooling
The news comes a month after Scale Trains announced that it would be purchase M.T.H.’s HO and S scale tooling.