OST Digital Editions

OST Digital Editions are currently unavailable

Please read ALL of this message before buying OST Digital Edition downloads.

1. OST Digital Edition (DE) downloads are PDFs with interactive links. The DE is best viewed with Adobe Reader. If you do not have Adobe Reader you can get one here for free: Adobe Reader Link.

2. The DE will work on desktop and laptop computers that can read PDFs, Apple’s iPad (in iBook & Safari) and tablets that support Adobe Reader. We do not guarantee that the interactive links will work with the B&N Nook or that the DE will work at all on the Amazon Kindle. If you own a Nook or Kindle buy at your own risk.

3. Once you have paid for the DE you will get a receipt page in your browser window and an email. Both will contain a link to download the DE. You are allowed to attempt the download of the DE up to 3 times but  you must do it within 24 hours of the initial purchase. It does not matter which link you use. Once you have performed the download, the other link will no longer work.

4. If you are using a browser that can read PDFs (like Safari on the Mac), the download will open in a new browser window. Once it is loaded, before you do anything else, save the PDF to your desktop because if you close that window, the PDF will be gone.

5. The Magazine DE has its table of contents linked to the article and features pages. Click on an item in the Table of Contents page and you will be moved to that page in the DE. At the end of every article and feature is a link to go back to the table of contents. Look for the diamonds at the end of articles or an area where the cursor turns into a hand and click there. The Guide DE has its Table of Contents linked to each section of the book.

6. Both DEs also have all of the website and email addresses as active links. If you click on a web address your web browser will start up and take you to that website. If you click on an email address, your email client will startup and format a message to the address you clicked on.

7. The Magazine Digital Edition will be available while its hard-copy cousin is on the newsstand and for sale through the office. When a new issue hits the street, a new Magazine DE will be added here.

8. If you have a problem with the download, contact me by email and I will attempt to fix the problem.

9. If you have read all of the above and are ready to buy, click the button below for the product you want.

Digital Books

  • 2012 Guide To Modern O Scale Digital Edition @ $19.95: 
  • The Norfolk & Western M Class: Digital Edition @ $9.95: 

  • Digital Magazines

  • O Scale Trains Magazine #60 Digital Edition @ $6.00:
  • O Scale Trains Magazine #61 Digital Edition @ $6.00:
  • O Scale Trains Magazine #62 Digital Edition @ $6.00:
  • O Scale Trains Magazine #63 Digital Edition @ $6.95:
  • O Scale Trains Magazine #64 Digital Edition @ $6.95:
  • O Scale Trains Magazine #65 Digital Edition @ $6.95:
  • O Scale Trains Magazine #66 Digital Edition @ $6.95:
  • O Scale Trains Magazine #67 Digital Edition @ $6.95:
  • O Scale Trains Magazine #68 Digital Edition @ $6.95: